Analysis of the story “After the Ball” by L.N. Tolstoy The main events of the story begin early in the morning, after the ball. After the ball where the action takes place.

The main events of the story begin early in the morning, after the ball. Notice how the colors, sounds, and feelings change in this part. Some researchers also pay attention to the natural light of the early morning, as opposed to artificial lighting bala. Instead of ladies in diamonds, the hero is surrounded by draymen with firewood on sleighs, cabbies covered with matting, and a blacksmith in a greasy sheepskin coat and apron. The charming music of the mazurka still sounds in Ivan Vasilyevich’s ears, which, as it seemed to him at first, continues on the street, but after listening, he hears “some other, cruel, bad music.” The white clothes of the ladies at the ball are replaced by the black uniforms of the soldiers gathered on the street. And only Varenka’s father was still rosy-cheeked, slender, and still wearing the same homemade boots, he clearly walked next to the person being punished and made sure that the soldiers lowered the sticks onto the Tatar’s back with appropriate force and did not “smear.”

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After the ball

“L.N. Tolstoy Russian writer” - 1844 - 1847. SOFIA ANDREEVNA BERS In 1862, L. Tolstoy married the daughter of a doctor. Childhood. L. Tolstoy "Confession". December 1874. Finally today I received orders to go to my battery, I am a 4th class fireworksman. This is... not a person, but a HUMANITY, JUPITER. In 1851, L. Tolstoy went to the Caucasus and volunteered for artillery.

“Kutuzov and Napoleon” - Image of Napoleon. In Tolstoy's depiction, Kutuzov is a living face. A large place in the novel “War and Peace” is occupied by the images of Kutuzov and Napoleon. Kutuzov and Napoleon in L.N. Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace". Who owns the victory in the War of 1812? What is the role of commanders in combat? Nesterov Andrey.

“Zhilin and Kostylin” - And he doesn’t know how to get out. And Zhilin, although small in stature, was brave. The Chechens began to take their guns out of their cases and split into two parties. Officer's honor - If there is a person in connection with you. And one snowy mountain stands taller than the others. Quiet, light in the mountains, how everything died out. The wheel spins and the dolls jump.

“Lesson War and Peace” - The image of an oak tree in the novel. L.N. Tolstoy “I tried to write the history of the people.” The role of landscapes in the description of the battle. Vasily Denisov in a partisan detachment. Napoleon. Natasha Rostova. The genre of the epic novel. Defense of Smolensk. Pierre at Bazdeev's Artist M.S. Rodionov. Emperor Alexander I. The image of the “high sky.” Lesson summary.

Literature. 8th grade.

L.N. Tolstoy “After the Ball” -

1. Mark the correct statement.

A. The plot is a story about the life of the hero

B. The plot is the actions and events in the lives of the characters

B. Plot is the actions and events in the lives of characters that take place in space and time

2. Mark the location of the story.

A. Petersburg

B. Moscow

V. Provincial city

G. County town

3. Note on whose behalf the story is being told.

B. Colonel

V. Ivan Vasilievich

G. Engineer Anisimov

4. Note what feelings the hero of the story experiences at the ball.

A. Love for Varenka

B. Love for Varenka and her father

B. Love for the whole world, because he loves Varenka

5. Note how the hero’s love story ended.

A. Safely

B. Love has waned

V. The hero abruptly broke off relations with his beloved

6. Mark the topic of conversation among the assembled listeners.

A. A person cannot understand for himself that it’s all about the environment

B. For personal improvement, it is necessary first of all to change the conditions in which people live

Q. There are events that dramatically change a person’s whole life

7. Note what type of composition the story is.

A. A story within a story

B. First person narration

8. Mark the correct ratio of episodes by volume.

A. The description of the ball and the description of the execution occupy the same place

B. The description of the ball takes up more pages than the description of the execution.

A. To give credibility to the story

B. Because a first-person story makes it possible to convey the feelings and thoughts of the characters

B. Both options are correct.

10. Note whether the narrator draws conclusions about what he saw on the parade ground.

A. No, he doesn’t want to reason.

B. Yes, he is indignant, opposes arbitrariness

V. No, he does not draw conclusions, but his whole later life depends on what you see

11. Mark the most precise definition the concept of "antithesis".

A. Antithesis is a comparison of different concepts

B. Contrasting concepts

B. Stylistic figure of contrast, sharp opposition

12. Mark the correct statement.

A. In the story, L.N. Tolstoy protests against the reality of Nikolaev

B. In the story by L.N. Tolstoy declares a person’s moral responsibility for what is happening

V. In the story, L.N. Tolstoy calls for a fight against tyranny

13. Mark the time of action in the story.

A. Reign of Alexander I

B. Reign of Nicholas I

B. Reign of Alexander II

A. From the lips of those present at the ball

15. Note what feelings the hero of the story experiences after the scene on the parade ground.

A. Indignation

B. Powerlessness

V. Tosku

16. Note the state of the hero of the story after the events on the parade ground.

A. The colonel’s behavior is incompatible with the hero’s feeling of love

B. What happened convinced the hero of the impossibility of love

B. The hero does not understand what happened, but he cannot love the heroine after what he saw

17. Mark the correct option.

A. The key episode in the story is the ball scene

B. The key episode in the story is the description of the execution

18. Note how the author’s image appears in the story.


1 – B

2 – B

3 – B

4 – B

5 – B

6 – B

7 – A

8 – B

9 - B

10 - B

11 – B

12 – B

13 – B

14 – B

15 – V

16 – B

17 – B

18 - B

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History of creation. What happens in the story is directly related to the events that took place in the family of Leo Tolstoy. IN student years The writer lived with his brother Sergei in Kazan. The brother was in love with Varvara, the daughter of a high-ranking military man, Koreysh.

He often visited the family of his chosen one. However, one day he saw how, under the leadership of this commander, the regiment mocked a soldier. And then Sergei became disillusioned with his love and left Varvara.

This story sank so deeply into the writer’s soul that he carried it throughout his entire life, until, in his old age, he made it the basis for his story. At first the story was called “Daughter and Father,” then “And You Say.” In the end, Tolstoy settled on the title by which the story is known today.

Plot. Compositionally, the story is divided into two parts. The first part depicts a truly idyllic picture. Main character in love with Varenka, the general’s daughter; the general arranges a magnificent ball, at which the hero is also present. He meets his beloved's father, whom he really liked.

The general is handsome, healthy and cheerful, despite his old age. And most importantly, he loves his daughter so much that for the sake of her well-being he saves on himself; for example, he orders shoes for himself from a simple army shoemaker, instead of purchasing new ones. The second part is in sharp contrast to the first.

The next morning, the hero sees how the general, this beautiful man in soul and body, carries out brutal reprisals against a Tatar soldier who tried to escape. When the soldier carrying out the execution did not hit the offender hard enough, the general began to beat him. This seemed so wild to the hero that his feelings for Varenka completely faded away. Apparently, the general only seemed kind and loving, but in a “working environment” he showed his true colors.

Issues. The story has several layers of meaning. And the hypocrisy and depravity of the general is only the very top layer, a kind of tip of the iceberg. First the ball - light and luxury, smiles and good mood, beautiful music. And in the morning - a gray foggy sky, the beat of a drum and flute, a stern colonel. Two different scenes - a ball and a parade ground, where the image and characteristics of Varenka’s father are revealed. Was perfect loving father, but turned into a cruel officer.

The narrator is amazed by this behavior; it is as if he has seen the light, seeing the person’s behavior in different situations. He is even more disgusted that the colonel pretended not to recognize him. Having witnessed the disgusting scene, he is ashamed and sickened.

It is characteristic that the story depicts the time of the writer’s youth - the years of Nicholas I. Apparently, Leo Tolstoy, by creating his work, wanted to hint that many decades after the events described, nothing had changed in society. Did the hero give up love by breaking up with Varenka? Obviously not. On the contrary, he broke up with her for love, because he realized that there could no longer be any love in a relationship with her.

Genre of the work."After the Ball" is a small prose work, story. At first glance, he continues the traditions of Russian realism XIX century. However, the very deep symbolism of the story, coupled with some superficiality and “pamphletizing” of the external plan, makes it similar to literature new era. Description of long-term love story fits into just a few pages, and the sharp contrast between the first and second parts of the composition only enhances symbolic meaning narratives.

Meaning of the name. It is noteworthy that the story is called “After the Ball.” This already introduces some intrigue into the first half of the work, where the ball itself is described. The event itself, which the author focuses on, occurs in the final part of the story, but only it contains its main idea: everything that happened before the event that happened after the ball turned out to be just vanity.

Heroes. There are three main characters in the story. Firstly, the narrator himself is Ivan Vasilyevich. This is a young man, in love, not without compassion and decency. True love for him it is an all-encompassing feeling. Thus, Leo Tolstoy portrayed himself in the image of Ivan Vasilyevich.

Secondly, this is a general. Happy loving father, good family man. For a long time, the general has been admired; Ivan Vasilyevich downright idolizes him. However, in the end the true essence of this society becomes clear.

Varenka, the narrator's beloved. She personifies Christian virtues - faith, hope and love. At some point, these Christian attitudes turn out to be devoid of real meaning, which is expressed in the fading of the narrator’s love for Varenka.

The story “After the Ball” is very short, but there are a lot of events described in it.

First there is a description of the ball, the hero is in love with the young and lovely Varenka, he is also fascinated by her father, the colonel, who gave the impression of a deeply decent and kind person. All evening the narrator only thought about Varenka, dreamed of marrying a beautiful girl. Our hero was so overwhelmed by thoughts about the girl that he couldn’t even fall asleep.

He went out into the street and was walking, when suddenly a completely different scene appeared before his eyes: Varenka’s good-natured and polite father cruelly punished the soldier, this shocked the hero so much that his love for Varenka came to naught.

L. Tolstoy’s story “After the Ball” tells us about emotional experiences young man Ivan Vasilyevich, who was in love with the colonel’s daughter. The military leader and his daughter Varenka impressed the young man so much at first that he decided to marry her. The state of love and admiration for the girl’s father was especially acute during the ball, which was held on the occasion of Maslenitsa on the eve of Forgiveness Sunday. These days precede the beginning of Lent.

At the ball, father and daughter were joyful, sweet and welcoming. After the ball, the young man could not sleep and witnessed the punishment of a soldier who had done wrong. It was very harsh and even cruel, but even such cruelty did not satisfy the colonel and he hit the already beaten soldier. This scene struck Ivan Vasilyevich to the depths of his soul and he turned away from both father and daughter. This is where the story ends.

The first is a ball where Ivan Vasilyevich dances with Varenka, admires her, is in love with her, feeds on this love. Then Varya dances with her father and admires this family.

Secondly, the scene that the hero sees after the ball, on his morning walk (he couldn’t sleep from an excess of feelings). That colonel whom everyone admired, a sweet, charming old man, turned into a tyrant when he punished the fugitive Tatar.

This whole story, by the way, has a real prototype, since it actually happened to Lev Nikolaevich’s brother.

A young man, in love with the charming Varenka, sees her father at the ball and he makes a pleasant impression on him. It seems to him that this person is kind and noble. But after the ball, he sees the execution of a soldier who was beaten with spitzrutens. In this scene, Varenka’s father, the colonel, appears completely different. He is indifferent and cruel. Realizing this leads the young man into a state of shock. After this, the love for Varenka faded away.

Municipal educational institution

Lebyazhenskaya secondary school

Literature lesson in 8th grade

The mastery of Leo Tolstoy in the story “After the Ball.” Composition. Techniques for depicting the internal state of characters.
Teacher Sycheva Tatyana Vladimirovna

Lesson objectives:

Teach children to determine the meaning of plot elements, composition, visual and expressive means of language, and characteristics of characters in different scenes.

Develop the reader's imagination and historical thinking.

To cultivate the ability to evaluate human actions and conflicts from a moral perspective.

Lesson equipment: computer, multimedia projector, cards for working in groups, individually oriented plans, calendar-thematic plan for covering the topic.

1. Psychological attitude (2 min)
1) I’m glad to see you all, I was preparing for our meeting, and I hope you were too. We welcome our guests, we will be grateful if they help us in our work.

2. Announcement of the topic

3. Look at the plan for passing this topic, determine where we are now. Let's define for ourselves the objectives of this lesson. (students answer)
2. Lecture with elements of conversation(10min)

The work of L. Tolstoy is one of the brightest pages in the history of Russian literature. What is Tolstoy's genius? In the words of M. Gorky, we can say that Tolstoy told us almost as much about Russian life as the rest of our literature. Over 200 works were written by Tolstoy. Each of them is a reflection of an entire era of Russian reality.

As a child, Tolstoy was surrounded by a warm family atmosphere. Here they valued family feelings and willingly gave shelter to loved ones. The game of “ant brothers”, invented by little Levushka, forever remained a mystery that he wanted to solve in order to make all people happy.

Life in Yasnaya Polyana, work on self-education and self-improvement led him to the idea of ​​​​correcting the world around him through self-improvement. Therefore, Tolstoy reads a lot, keeps a diary, analyzing all his thoughts and actions, negative aspects of his character, believing with utmost sincerity that the main incentive for changing life is introspection, the transformation by each of his own personality. Thus began the unprecedented spiritual work that Tolstoy engaged in throughout his life. It was in Yasnaya Polyana that he did a lot of teaching, taught peasant children to read and write, and wrote the “ABC,” which later taught several dozen generations of Russian children.

Tolstoy led active life. Even in his youth, he participated in the war in the Caucasus and in the defense of Sevastopol, and tried to carry out reforms on his estate that the authorities were just beginning to think about. He wrote a lot, read Russian and foreign literature, was interested in philosophy and history.

Having lived a long, fruitful life, Tolstoy put forward as the basis of human coexistence Christian love, which is understood as loving relationship one person to another, regardless of racial, national, religious differences. In order for such love to prevail on earth, it is necessary that people educate themselves in the spirit of such love. Tolstoy's heroes often reason and argue with their opponents on the topic of self-education and changing life for the better.

About the story “After the Ball”

In the story “After the Ball” you can hear the roll call of two eras - the one that is directly depicted by L. Tolstoy (40s of the 19th century, the time of Nicholas 1), and the one that is present invisibly, causing the posing of questions (90s). The writer in the story restores the past to show that its horrors live in the present, only slightly changing forms. Studying this story, we must give a correct assessment of the characters and events depicted by the great thinker.

- Why is this work a story in its genre?

Slide 5

- While working on the story, Tolstoy thought for a long time about its title. Options appeared: “A story about the ball and through the gauntlet”, “Daughter and father”, “Father and daughter”, “And you say ...” and, finally, “After the ball”. Try to understand the writer’s logic: how does he justify changing the name? Why did you choose the latter?

What impression did this story make on you?

Indeed, this story has a very deep impression on readers. I propose to devote our lesson to solving the question: how does Tolstoy achieve such an impact on the reader? What determines the depth of impression that this story leaves?

Slide 6

- What unusual things did you notice in the construction of the story?

(it starts suddenly, the conversation is about moral values of human existence: “...that for personal improvement it is necessary to first change the conditions among which people live...”, “what is good and bad...” and ends suddenly without conclusions.

Slide 7

- Which compositional technique does Tolstoy apply?

(antithesis, story within a story)

Slide 8

- About what period of Russian history we're talking about? What do you know about this time?

(the time of Nicholas 1, who was called Nikolai Palkin).

Let us recall another work about this time:

In Leskov’s story “The Man on the Clock,” the fate of a sentry who left his post to save a drowning man is tragic. He was severely punished for this and perceives this punishment as a natural consequence of his act. We see that the laws invented by people diverge from the higher laws: providing assistance to a dying person is the highest necessity, and the superiors of the offending soldier do not see it.)

What events are described in the story?

(a ball at the governor's leader, the hero's falling in love, disappointment, shock from the cruelty of what happened after the ball)

How can we explain that in the ball scene the hero perceives everything around him with rapturous emotion?

(he is in love, he is fascinated by the festive atmosphere of a dinner party, the closeness of his beloved girl, the feeling of happiness, youth and beauty)

(although the ball scene is described in more detail and takes up more pages, after the ball an event occurs that changed the hero’s life)

Slide 13

3. Group work (15 min)

2 groups of 5 people work on a card for the lesson - observe the text and write it down keywords from the episode.

The first group is the episode “At the Ball”, the second – “After the Ball”
4. Consolidation of new material (5 min)
1) Speeches from groups - according to sections of the table (for comparison, listen to extracts from each group)
2) Formulation of the conclusion: the episode of the ball and the events after the ball are opposed to each other. A contrasting image of characters, circumstances, and events is an important technique for achieving the idea of ​​a story. The episodes are organically connected with each other. The contrast helped show the turning point in the hero’s soul.
5. Individual work according to individually oriented plans. (10 min)
6. Summing up. (1 min)

Ask me any questions you have while working with the IEP.

What is the most difficult thing about working on this topic?
7. Homework: (2)

Level 1: Prepare one of the scenes of the story for a detailed retelling

Level 2: Make a story plan (complex)

Level 3: Prepare oral description one of the characters with the introduction of a portrait, dialogue, descriptions