Agu tourism passing grade. Astrakhan State University. Deadlines for entrance examinations

Attention 2016 applicants!

Dear applicants! In a few months, you will have to take one of the most important steps on your life's path - choose a university and decide on your future specialty. Needless to say, much will depend on this choice in your future professional activities. In order not to make a mistake, you must have complete information about the admission procedure to the university. Often you need specialist advice for this. The ASU Admissions Office staff is always happy to help! We bring to your attention answers to the questions that applicants most often ask.

When does the university accept documents?

“Acceptance of documents begins on June 1, 2016. Information about the main stages of admission is presented in the table:

Form of study

Deadlines for accepting documents

Deadlines for entrance examinations

Deadline for completion of submission by applicants of the original document of the established form

(statements of consent to enrollment)

Deadline for issuing an order for admission of applicants

to places within the target figures

to places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services

to places within the target figures

to places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services

to places within the target figures

to places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services

Bachelor's degree, specialty

full-time, part-time

1.06.2016 - 26.07.2016

1.06.2016 -15.08.2016

1.06.2016 - 26.07.2016

1.06.2016 - 24.08.2016

07/28/2016 (special rights, targeted reception)

1.08.2016, 6.08.2016

07/29/2016 (special rights, targeted reception)

3.08.2016, 8.08.2016

No later than

4.04.2016 - 10.08.2016

4.04.2016 - 15.09.2016

4.04.2016 - 16.08.2016

4.04.2016 - 26.09.2016

No later than October 3, 2016

Master's degree

full-time, part-time

1.06.2016 - 10.08.2016

1.06.2016 - 15.08.2016

1.06.2016 - 15.08.2016

1.06.2016 - 19.08.2016

No later than 08/30/2016

1.06.2016 - 10.08.2016

1.06.2016 - 15.09.2016

1.06.2016 - 15.08.2016

1.06.2016 - 26.09.2016

No later than October 3, 2016

Bachelor's degree, specialty (Crimea)

1.06.2016 - 14.07.2016

1.06.2016 - 14.07.2016

1.06.2016 - 14.07.2016

1.06.2016 - 14.07.2016

07/18/2016 (special rights, targeted reception)

21.07.2016, 26.07.2016

07/09/2016 (special rights, targeted reception)

22.07.2016, 27.07.2016

No later than

Master's degree


1.06.2016 - 10.08.2016

1.06.2016 - 10.08.2016

1.06.2016 - 15.08.2016

1.06.2016 -15.08.2016

No later than 08/20/2016

How will the enrollment process take place?

“Enrollment of applicants is carried out based on the sum of points of the entrance examination results and points awarded for individual achievements.”

What are the prerequisites for enrollment?

“A prerequisite for enrollment this year is the presence of an application for enrollment. To enroll, you must submit a statement of consent to enroll in the chosen field of study in a timely manner, in addition to the original document of education. Without this application, the admissions committee will not be able to enroll the applicant, even if he passes the score.”

What is the procedure for admission to target places?

“Targeted admission is regulated by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 27, 2013 No. 1076 “On the procedure for concluding and terminating an agreement on targeted admission and an agreement on targeted training.”

Where can I get information about admission to ASU?

“Since November 1, 2015, on the Official Internet portal of our university () in the section “Applicants” / “Admission campaign - 2016” all information about admission to the university for this year has been posted: Rules for admission to ASU, areas of training for which admission has been announced , entrance examinations, number of budget places, etc. We urge applicants to regularly visit our portal and monitor possible changes in the procedure for admission to universities.”

How are individual achievements of students taken into account when admitted to ASU?

“Applicants to study have the right to provide information about their individual achievements, the results of which are taken into account when admitting them to the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Astrakhan State University” for study.
Accounting for individual achievements is carried out by awarding points for individual achievements. These points are awarded to the applicant who has submitted documents confirming the receipt of the results of individual achievements, and are included in the amount of competitive points.
When admitting students to undergraduate and specialist programs, ASU awards points for the following individual achievements:

Name of achievement

Number of points

Availability of a certificate of secondary general education with honors or a certificate of secondary general education (secondary (complete) general education), containing information about being awarded a gold or silver medal

Having a diploma of secondary vocational education with honors

Winner or prize-winner of the municipal or regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren; winner or prize-winner of Olympiads or competitions held by ASU

Participant in the municipal or regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren, olympiads or competitions held by ASU

* to award points for individual achievements specified in paragraph 2 and paragraph 3, documents confirming individual achievements received by applicants in the 2015/16 academic year are taken into account.”

What university entrance tests are provided for graduates who received certificates before 2009?

“If in the last academic year such applicants could be admitted to the university based on the results of entrance tests conducted by the University Admissions Committee, then in 2015 only the results of the Unified State Exam will be taken into account. To do this, graduates must register for this exam before February 1. The so-called “July wave” of the Unified State Exam, which previously took place for graduates of previous years, is canceled in 2015: this category of graduates takes the Unified State Exam together with graduates of this year in the period from May 25 to June 5” (December 16, 2014).

What entrance tests will you have to take if you have a diploma of secondary vocational education?

“Applicants who have a diploma of secondary vocational education can enter ASU based on the results of entrance tests conducted by the university” (December 16, 2014).

What innovations apply to the mathematics exam?

“The mathematics exam will be held at 2 levels - basic and specialized. The basic level is taken by those who do not intend to enter a university or who do not have mathematics as an entrance test. If a graduate intends to enter a university and one of the entrance tests is mathematics, then he needs to pass the profile level of the Unified State Exam” (December 16, 2014).

What is the passing score for a particular specialty or area of ​​training?

“The passing score for a specialty (direction of training) is determined as follows: all applicants who have passed the entrance examination and applying for any specialty (direction of training) are distributed according to rating from the maximum score to the minimum. From the entire list, a list of those recommended for enrollment is selected based on the number of budget places for this specialty. The score of the last person on the list of those admitted to a budget-funded place in this specialty is the passing score. The passing score changes annually. It depends on the “fashionability” of the specialty and the level of Unified State Examination results in the relevant disciplines” (February 11, 2014).

Is it possible to enter a university if the Unified State Examination results are below the minimum level?

We heard that it is possible to study a second foreign language at your university. Is this true? Paid or free?

“ASU provides an opportunity for a number of specialties (areas of training) to obtain a second foreign language free of charge. The student has the opportunity to acquire foreign language skills in the professional field” (February 11, 2014).

How can graduates of previous years enroll at ASU?

“Graduates who received secondary general education before January 1, 2009, when entering a university, take entrance tests conducted by the university” (February 17, 2014).

Are college graduates entering ASU required to take the Unified State Exam?

"No. College graduates take entrance tests in a form determined by the university. Our university will conduct entrance examinations in the form of testing. This form is convenient for both applicants and the Admissions Committee. A computer verification of test results is carried out, which eliminates the fact of human intervention (the so-called corruption factor) and allows large volumes of work to be checked in the shortest possible time” (February 17, 2014).

What are the scholarship amounts for ASU students?

“The academic scholarship currently amounts to 1,586 rubles. For academic success, scientific and sports achievements, an additional academic scholarship is awarded, the amount of which depends on the number of applicants” (February 17, 2014).

Who can enter ASU without competition?

“Outside of competition, subject to successful completion of entrance examinations (obtaining a score not lower than the minimum in entrance examinations in each subject) within the established quota, the following are accepted:

  • disabled children, disabled people of groups I and II, disabled people from childhood, disabled people due to military injury or illness received during military service, for whom, according to the conclusion of the federal medical and social examination institution, education in relevant educational organizations is not contraindicated;
  • orphans and children left without parental care, as well as persons from among orphans and children left without parental care" (February 17, 2014).

Hello! Everyone praises your university very much. I would like to know what discounts can be made for a large family?

"Good afternoon! In order to find out about discounts when paying for tuition, you need to contact the Department of Paid Educational Services of ASU by phone. 61-08-53 (Head of the Department - Bagaeva Natalya Igorevna).

What were the passing scores in 2013?

What were the passing scores in 2012?

“Passing exams 2012 (full-time study).”

Name of the area of ​​training Abbr. Passing score
1 Design DDS 217
2 Linguistics (profile - Translation and translation studies: Persian) DLG 211
3 Sociology DSC 201
4 Social and cultural activities DSK 198
5 Social work DSR 186
6 Conflictology DKO 186
7 Pedagogical education (profile - Physical education) DFK 185
8 Pedagogical education (profile - History and social studies) DIP 184
9 Pedagogical education (profile - World artistic culture) DHC 181
10 Pedagogical education (profile - Primary education) DPE 180
11 Pedagogical education (profile - Foreign languages: English, German) DYAI 179
12 Pedagogical education (profile - Russian language and literature) DRL 177
13 Psychological and pedagogical education (profile - Psychology and social pedagogy) Chipboard 170
14 Chemistry DXM 157
15 Veterinary DVM 154
16 Land management and cadastres DZE 152
17 Psychological and pedagogical education (profile - Educational Psychology) DPP 149
18 Architecture GIFT 147
19 Biology DBL 143
20 Information security DZI 143
21 Geology DGG 142
22 Ecology and environmental management DEP 140
23 Animal science DZT 137
24 Geography DGE 133
25 Electrical power and electrical engineering DEE 133
26 Information systems and technologies DIT 132
27 Mechanical engineering DTS 122
28 Cartography and geoinformatics DKR 122
29 Physics DFB 102
30 Applied mathematics and computer science DPM 99
31 Agricultural engineering DAI 96

Barnaul is the capital of the Altai Territory, a region famous for its agricultural potential and ancient history. Today this region is rightfully proud of its people and their scientific base. There are many universities in Barnaul, both multidisciplinary and highly specialized. Several commercial ones have been opened in the city, as well as branches of the country's leading universities.

Information about the differences between Barnaul universities, which are open for admission, will be useful for both visiting applicants and young residents of the city.

Altai State University

The city is rightfully proud of this classical university. It was founded in 1973 and today it is the best university in Altai, ranked 47th in the ranking of the hundred best universities in our country. Moreover, compared to last year, ASU has moved forward by 10 positions, which indicates its constant development and improvement. If we look at the ratings by areas of training, Altai State University ranks 17th in the category “Economics and Management” and 42nd in the category of teaching technical, natural and exact sciences.

It trains bachelors in a variety of disciplines - philologists and historians, chemists and biologists, ecologists and geographers, psychologists and lawyers, journalists and sociologists and many other specialists of whom Barnaul is proud.

It has 4 research institutes, its own printing house and one of the largest scientific libraries in Siberia. Several buildings located in the city center house modern auditoriums, gyms, canteens, dormitories and other socially significant facilities.

The passing score at Altai State University is from 119. There are 980 places on a budget. The minimum tuition fee per year is 35,000 rubles.

Altai State Technical University named after Polzunov

Like many other Barnaul universities, the Polytechnic Institute originated from the local Institute of Mechanical Engineering, which was evacuated from Zaporozhye in 1941. Now it is the largest technical university in the region, which, however, successfully trains humanities scholars - economists, food technologists, specialists in the field of tourism, design, and mass communications.

However, the strongest training is still carried out in technical areas. They are trained by the following faculties: natural sciences, energy, information technology, and mechanical engineering. According to 2016 data, in the ranking of the 100 best universities in our country, the polytechnic university occupies 76th place.

Barnaul is not the only place where applicants are met by the ASTU admissions committee. The correspondence faculty is also open in remote corners of the Altai Territory. And those who come to study full-time in the capital of the region are offered a dormitory - the Polytechnic campus can accommodate up to 2.5 thousand non-resident students. For male students, the military department, which is opened on the basis of ASTU, can also be an important aspect of choosing a university.

The passing score at the polytechnic is at least 108. There are up to 1184 budget places. The minimum cost of studying at one of the faculties will be about 31,000 rubles per year.

Altai State Agrarian University

Barnaul received an agricultural institute during the Great Patriotic War. He was evacuated from the city of Pushkin to Barnaul and laid the foundation for a modern agricultural university. By the way, he received this status in 1991. At first there were only 2 faculties here - agronomic and zootechnical, but now veterinarians, environmental management specialists, engineers, biologists and economists are trained here.

Many students from villages have the opportunity to receive a high-quality education here in a targeted area and return home as highly qualified specialists in demand in the agricultural production of their region.

The passing score for an agricultural university is from 96. There are 950 budget places. The minimum cost of training is 18,000 rubles per year.

Altai State Medical University of Roszdrav

Barnaul Honey has been training doctors, pharmacists and medical economists since 1954. It is among those universities in Barnaul that are included in the ranking of the top one hundred in the country (83rd position in 2016).

More than 4 thousand students, interns and residents study here, who will work both in hospitals and clinics, and in research centers and in high-tech care organizations.

The passing score at ASMU is from 215. There are 413 budget places. The minimum cost of training is 42,360 rubles per year.

Barnaul branch of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

The branch of one of the leading financial universities in the country trains specialists in the faculties of statistics, accounting, finance and credit, auditing, management and marketing, and economics. It is worth noting that the branch has been operating in the region since 1965, which guarantees high quality educational services and the reliability of the diploma received.

The passing score for the financial university (Barnaul) is from 149. Budget places are 56. The minimum cost of training is 41,500 rubles per year.

Barnaul branch of Leningrad State Regional University named after. A.S. Pushkin

The Altai branch of this educational institution opened in 1992. Today, the two most popular specialties are taught here - law and public administration.

Altai branch of Moscow State University of Culture and Arts

Specialists in creative professions are trained by other universities in Barnaul, for example, the Altai Academy of Culture and Arts, and the local branch of MGUKI offers education in specialties - hotel business, tourism, management, economics and management, customs, socio-cultural activities.