And the dawn here is quiet analysis. "War is not a woman's business." (extracurricular reading based on the story by B.L. Vasilyev “And the dawns here are quiet”)

  1. Give brief overview creativity of B. Vasiliev, pay attention to the problems that the writer poses in the story.
  2. Help students understand and evaluate the actions of heroes and express their attitude towards them. Develop text analysis skills.
  3. To cultivate high patriotic qualities.

Equipment. Portrait of a Writer; an exhibition of his books; illustrations by students for the story, poster by I. Toidze “The Motherland is Calling,” stands “For the sake of life on earth,” “Woman and war.”

Preparatory work.

  1. Read the story.
  2. Prepare to retell the writer's biography.
  3. Write a review about the book.
  4. Draw illustrations for the story.
  5. Publish a wall newspaper based on the writer’s work.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment. The lesson begins with showing film footage about the war. Levitan's heartfelt words sound:

Our cause is just. The enemy will be defeated. Victory will be ours!

Teacher. With this faith, the Soviet people went through the most terrible war that humanity has ever experienced. For a just cause, for Soviet people was free and happy, millions of Soviet people gave their lives. No, this cannot be forgotten!

(Reads S. Shchipachev’s poem “To the Fallen”)

They all wanted to live, but they died so that people could say: “And the dawns here are quiet...” Quiet dawns cannot be in tune with war, with death. They died, but they won, they didn’t let a single fascist through. They won because they selflessly loved their Motherland.

Woman at war...The role of women at the front is great. Women doctors and nurses, under shelling and explosions, carried the wounded from the battlefield, provided first aid, and sometimes saved the wounded at the cost of their own lives. Separate women's battalions were organized. We dedicate our lesson to girls - fighters of harsh times. Today we will talk about girls who were inhumanly, cruelly “levelled” by the war, viciously trampling on their charm, tenderness, and love.

It is no coincidence that Boris Vasiliev made the girls the heroes of his story in order to show how cruel the war is. After all, women are the beginning of all life. Murder of women is more than a crime. The Nazis killed them by the thousands...

2. Formation of new concepts.

a) students present materials on the biography and work of the writer.

b) student reports about the story. 1st student. For the story “And the Dawns Here Are Quiet...” B. Vasiliev was awarded the State USSR Prize, and for the script “The Quiet Dawns...” - the Lenin Komsomol Prize.

3) 2nd student

The story is set in May 1942. The location is the unknown 171st crossing. Soldiers of an anti-aircraft machine-gun battalion are serving on a quiet patrol. These are fighters - girls. Chasing enemy saboteurs in the forest, the girls, led by Vaskov, enter into an unequal battle with the fascists: six against sixteen. There were only five girls: Margarita Osyanina, Evgenia Komelkova, Elizaveta Brichkina, Galina Chetvertak, Sonya Gurvich.

1st student. “And the Germans wounded her blindly, through the foliage, and she could have hidden, waited, and maybe left. But she shot while there were cartridges. She shot while lying down, no longer trying to run away, because her strength was gone along with her blood. She could hide, wait, and maybe leave. And she didn’t hide, and she didn’t leave...”

Zhenya Komelkova is one of the brightest, strongest and most courageous representatives of the female fighters shown in the story. Both the most comic and the most dramatic scenes in the story are associated with Zhenya. Her goodwill, optimism, cheerfulness, self-confidence, and irreconcilable hatred of her enemies involuntarily attract attention to her and arouse admiration. In order to deceive the German saboteurs and force them to take a long road around the river, a small detachment of girl fighters made a noise in the forest, pretending to be lumberjacks. Zhenya Komelkova acted out a stunning scene of carelessly swimming in icy water in full view of the Germans, ten meters from enemy machine guns.

Here Zhenya “...stepped into the water and, screaming, began splashing noisily and cheerfully. The spray sparkled in the sun, rolled down the elastic warm body, and the commandant, not breathing, waited in horror for his turn. Now, now, Zhenya will hit and break, throw up his hands..."

Together with Vaskov, we see that Zhenya “smiles, and her eyes, wide open, are filled with horror, as if with tears. And this horror is alive and heavy, like mercury.”

In this episode, heroism, courage, and desperate courage were fully demonstrated.

IN last minutes Zhenya's life caused fire on herself, just to ward off the threat from the seriously wounded Rita and Fedot Vaskov. She believed in herself, and, leading the Germans away from Osyanina, did not doubt for a moment that everything would end well.

And even when the first bullet hit her in the side, she was simply surprised. After all, it was so stupidly absurd and implausible to die at nineteen...

“And the Germans wounded her blindly, through the foliage, and she could have hidden, waited and maybe left. But she shot while there were cartridges. She shot while lying down, no longer trying to run away, because her strength was gone along with her blood. And the Germans finished her off point-blank, and then looked at her proud and beautiful face for a long time after death...”

2nd student:

“Rita knew that her wound was fatal and that dying would be long and difficult. So far there was almost no pain, only the burning sensation in my stomach was getting stronger and I was thirsty. But it was impossible to drink, and Rita simply soaked a rag in the puddle and applied it to her lips.

Vaskov hid her under a spruce tree, threw branches at her and left...

Rita shot in the temple, and there was almost no blood.”

Courage, composure, humanity, high feeling The squad commander, junior sergeant Rita Osyanina, is distinguished by his duty to the Motherland. The author, considering the images of Rita and Fedot Vaskov to be central, already in the first chapters talks about past life Osyanina. School evening, meeting lieutenant border guard Osyanin, lively correspondence, registry office. Then - the border outpost. Rita learned to bandage the wounded and shoot, ride a horse, throw grenades and protect herself from gases, the birth of her son, and then... the war. And in the first days of the war she was not at a loss - she saved other people’s children, and soon found out that her husband had died at the outpost on the second day of the war in a counterattack.

More than once they wanted to send her to the rear, but every time she appeared again at the headquarters of the fortified area, finally she was hired as a nurse, and six months later she was sent to study at a tank anti-aircraft school.

Zhenya learned to quietly and mercilessly hate her enemies. At the position, she shot down a German balloon and an ejected spotter.

When Vaskov and the girls counted the fascists emerging from the bushes - sixteen instead of the expected two, the foreman said to everyone in a homely manner: “It’s bad, girls, it’s going to happen.”

It was clear to him that they couldn’t hold out for long against heavily armed enemies, but then Rita’s firm response: “Well, should we watch them pass by?” - obviously, greatly strengthened Vaskov in the decision taken. Twice Osyanina rescued Vaskov, taking the fire upon herself, and now, having received a mortal wound and knowing the position of the wounded Vaskov, she does not want to be a burden to him, she understands how important it is to bring their common cause to the end, to detain the fascist saboteurs.

“Rita knew that the wound was fatal, that she would die long and difficult”

3rd student.

- “Were the Germans waiting for Sonya or did she accidentally run into them? She ran without fear along the path she had traveled twice, in a hurry to bring him, Sergeant Major Vaskov, that thrice-cursed shag. She ran, rejoiced and did not have time to understand where the sweaty weight fell on her fragile shoulders, why her heart suddenly burst with a piercing bright pain...

No, I made it. And she managed to understand and scream, because she didn’t reach the knife to her heart with the first blow: her chest was in the way. Or maybe it wasn't like that? Maybe they were waiting for her?

Sonya Gurvich– “translator”, one of the girls in Vaskov’s group, “city” girl; as thin as a spring rook.”

The author, talking about Sonya's past life, emphasizes her talent, love for poetry and theater. Boris Vasiliev remembers." The percentage of intelligent girls and students at the front was very large. Most often - freshmen. For them, the war was the most terrible thing... Somewhere among them, my Sonya Gurvich fought.”

And so, wanting to do something nice, like an older, experienced and caring comrade, the foreman, Sonya rushes for a pouch that he had forgotten on a stump in the forest, and dies from a blow from an enemy knife in the chest.

“I ran, rejoiced, and did not have time to understand where the sweaty weight fell on my fragile shoulders, why my heart suddenly exploded with a piercing bright pain. No, I made it. And she managed to understand and scream, because she didn’t reach the knife to her heart with the first blow: her chest got in the way.”

4th student.

- “The Germans walked silently, bending down and holding out their machine guns.

The bushes made a noise, and Galya suddenly ran out of them. Bent over, clasping her hands behind her head, she rushed across the clearing in front of the saboteurs, no longer seeing or thinking anything.

The machine gun struck briefly. From a dozen steps he hit her on her thin back, strained by running, and Galya plunged face first into the ground, never removing her hands from her head, clasped in horror. Her last cry was lost in a gurgling wheeze, and her legs were still running, still beating, piercing the toes of Sonya’s boots into the moss. Everything in the clearing froze..."

Galina Chetvertak – orphan, pupil orphanage, a dreamer, endowed by nature with a vivid imaginative fantasy. Skinny, little "snotty" Galka did not fit the army standards either in height or age.

When, after the death of her friend, Galka was ordered by the foreman to put on her boots, “she physically, to the point of nausea, felt a knife penetrating the tissue, heard the crunch of torn flesh, felt the heavy smell of blood. And this gave birth to a dull, cast-iron horror...” And enemies lurked nearby, mortal danger loomed.

“The reality that women faced in the war,” says the writer, “was much more difficult than anything they could come up with in the most desperate time of their fantasies. The tragedy of Gali Chetvertak is about this.”

The machine gun struck briefly. With a dozen steps, he hit her thin back, tense from running, and Galya plunged face first into the ground, never removing her hands from her head, clasped in horror.

Everything in the clearing froze.”

5th student.

“Just a step to the side, and my legs immediately lost support, hung somewhere in an unsteady void, and the swamp squeezed my hips like a soft vice. The long-simmering horror suddenly splashed out at once, sending a sharp pain through my heart. Trying to hold on and climb out onto the path, Lisa leaned with all her weight onto the pole. The dry pole crunched loudly, and Lisa fell face down into the cold liquid mud. There was no land. Her legs were slowly, terribly slowly dragged down, her arms rowed the swamp uselessly, and Lisa, gasping for breath, wriggled in the liquid mass. And the path was somewhere nearby: a step, half a step, but these half steps were no longer possible to take..."

Teacher. Girls almost your age died. “I wanted to talk about the experiences of today's nineteen-year-olds. Tell them in such a way that they themselves seem to have walked the roads of war, so that the dead girls seem close and understandable to them - their contemporaries. And at the same time - girls of the thirties,” - this is how the writer addresses his young readers. Guys, can the death of each of the girls be called heroic?

2nd student. The death of all the girls shocked us all, our hearts sank for each one. Each of them could live, raise children, and bring joy to people. They, women, destined by nature itself to give and continue life on Earth, gentle and fragile, enter into a merciless battle with cruel invaders. They, women, without demanding any discounts for themselves and without thinking about them, do everything to stop the enemy. And for this they do not spare their lives.

Teacher. Why do all the girls in the story die?

3rd student. On one of reading conferences B. Vasiliev said: we must keep in mind that we're talking about about the German paratroopers, who had not yet surrendered. To stop them, it was necessary to pay with the lives of Soviet people. And here against them there is only one foreman and five inexperienced girls. But these girls knew perfectly well what they were giving their lives for.

Vaskov knew one thing in this battle: not to retreat. Don’t give up a single piece of land on this coast to the Germans. No matter how hard it is, no matter how hopeless it is, to hold on.

“...And he had such a feeling, as if all of Russia had come together behind his back, it was he, Fedot Evgrafovich Vaskov, who was now her last son and protector. And there was no one else in the whole world: only he, the enemy and Russia” (Reads the excerpt “What, they took it?...They took it, right? Five girls, there were five girls in total, only five!...And - you didn’t pass, you didn’t pass anywhere and you’ll die here, you’ll all die!...I’ll kill everyone personally, personally..."

The heart of the seasoned fighter, hero-patriot F. Vaskov fills with pain, hatred and brightness, and this strengthens his strength and gives him the opportunity to survive. A single feat - the defense of the Motherland - equates Sergeant Major Vaskov and the five girls who “hold their front, their Russia” on the Sinyukhin Ridge.

This is how another motive of the story arises: everyone in his own sector of the front must do the possible and the impossible for victory, so that the dawns are quiet.

3. Teacher's generalization. Can't be overstated educational value literature about the war The best works of Soviet writers force students to comprehend the greatness and beauty of patriotism, to think about the bloody price that was given for every inch of their native land, to comprehend “at what price the happiness of victory was won and peace was gained.

This short story cannot leave either adults or teenagers indifferent. For everyone tragic fate young girls who gave their lives for their Motherland, for victory in a brutal battle against fascism, personify the cost at which our people achieved victory.

Boris Vasiliev - famous writer, former participant of the Great Patriotic War. He saw with his own eyes the cruelty and horrors of war, and knows firsthand what he later, in peacetime, decided to tell his readers about. His best works, in my opinion, “Not on the lists” and “And the dawns here are quiet.”
For lately Much has been written by talented and truthful people, but B. Vasiliev’s stories are not lost in all the variety of military topics. This is primarily due to the bright and heroic images, created by the author.
“The Dawns Here Are Quiet” is a story about women at war. Many works are devoted to this topic, but this one is special. The story is written without excessive sentimentality, in a harsh, laconic manner. She talks about the events of 1942.
German saboteurs are thrown into the location of an anti-aircraft machine gun battery, commanded by a Basque sergeant major. At first, the foreman thinks that there are two Germans, so he decides to destroy the Nazis with the help of his unit, which contains only girls.
Five anti-aircraft gunners were selected for this task. The sergeant major completes the assigned task, but at what cost?!
Basque, a participant in the Finnish war, knows well the area where the saboteurs are going. Therefore, he confidently leads his unusual fighters to complete the task. At first, the girls had a low opinion of their commander: “a mossy stump, twenty words in reserve, and even those are from the regulations.” The danger brought all six together and revealed the extraordinary spiritual qualities of the foreman, who was ready to take on any difficulties, but only to save the girls.
Undoubtedly, Basque is the core of the story. He knows and can do a lot; he has front-line experience behind him, which he tries to pass on to his soldiers. He is a man of few words and values ​​only actions. The foreman absorbed best qualities defender, soldier, thanks to the feat of such Vaskovs, the victory was won.
The assistant sergeant major in the group was Sergeant Osyanina. Basque immediately singled her out from the others: “Strict, never laughs.” The foreman was not mistaken - Rita fought skillfully, she took revenge for her deceased border guard husband, for her ruined life, for her desecrated Motherland. Before her inevitable death, Rita tells the elder about her son. From now on, she entrusts the boy to Vaskov, a reliable and kindred spirit.
Zhenka Komelkova has her own scores to settle with the Germans. She saves the foreman and the group three times: first at the channel, stopping the Germans from crossing. Then he stabbed the German who was pressing on Vaskov. And finally, at the cost of her life, she saved the wounded Rita, leading the Nazis further into the forest. The author admires the girl: “Tall, red-haired, white-skinned. And children’s eyes are green, round, like saucers.” Sociable, mischievous, a favorite of those around her, Komelkova sacrificed herself for the common cause - the destruction of saboteurs.
All of them - Lisa Brichkina, Sonya Gurvich, Chetvertak, Rita Osyanina and Zhenya Komelkova - died, but the Basque foreman, shocked by such losses, brought the matter to the end.
This Russian soldier was on the verge of madness. He realized that he would not live if he allowed the Nazis to carry out their plans. No, he must finish what he started. The author showed that there are no limits to human capabilities. The Basques do not so much take revenge on their enemies for the murdered girls as fulfill their military duty.
He was able to survive, go through the war and stay alive in order to raise Rita Osyanina’s son, so that with his life he could justify himself for the dead girls.
It's not easy to live with such a burden, but he is a strong man. B. Vasiliev’s merit as a writer lies in the fact that he was able to create the image of the heroic generation of our fathers and grandfathers.

Subject. "War is not a woman's business." ( extracurricular reading based on the story by B.L. Vasiliev “And the dawns here are quiet”)


image systems;

the happiness of victory has been won.


Epigraph for the lesson

A. Tvardovsky, 1965.

Lesson progress

Did you really want us to die?

Everyone simply had a choice:

Me or the Motherland.

The best and most expensive -

Your grief is our grief,

Your truth is our truth,

Your glory is our glory,

I. Teacher's word.

What is war? (war is grief, tears, death, bloodshed, fires, devastation, hunger)

About the harsh V.O. war of 1941-45 We, the new generation, judge only by the stories of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, by films and books, and there are many of them. (“They fought for the Motherland” by M. Sholokhov, directed by Bondarchuk; “20 days without war” by K. Simonov - directed by A. German; “The Fate of a Man”, “ Hot snow", "17 moments of spring", etc.)

It has already happened that our memory of the war and all our ideas about the war are male. This is understandable, because it was mostly men who fought. But over the years, we understand more and more the immortal feat of a woman in war, her greatest sacrifice, sacrificed on the altar of Victory.

(reading the epigraph of the lesson)


(episode dramatization)

2) What is the unique character of each of the five female anti-aircraft gunners? (Zhenya Komelkova is a bright beauty, admired by both men and women, friends and even doctors. The originality of Rita Osyanina is in bright expressed feeling debt. Sonya Gurvich is characterized by poetry combined with fragility and insecurity, which evoke a desire to protect and protect. The main thing about Lisa Brichkina is closeness to nature, open cordiality. The Chetvertak jackdaw is special - the ability to transform reality, the indefatigable imagination)

Each of the girls has their own harsh account of the Nazis. Rita Osyanina's husband died on the second day of the war. Zhenya Komelkova’s mother, sister, brother were killed with a machine gun.” Sonya Gurvich has a friendly and large family in occupied Minsk. Liza Brichkina has a failed “premonition of dazzling happiness.”

Galya Chetvertak has unfulfilled fantasies.

Introducing Vaskov, B. Vasiliev resorts to direct characterization, direct speech, and an excursion into the hero’s past. The foreman’s past explains a lot about him today. First of all, considering it “a big hindrance that he is a person without education,” although it is not his fault. At the end of the fourth (grade) his father's bear broke him. And from the age of 14 he became the breadwinner, water provider and earner in the family. For a long time, Vaskov felt older than he was. In the army, he was a sergeant major not only by rank, but also by seniority essence. The author sees seniority as a symbol. A symbol of reliance on people like Vaskov - conscientious workers, and in the military too.

The relationship between Vaskov and the anti-aircraft gunners is difficult at first due to the fact that the girls constantly violate the regulations. At this stage, girls for him are “eh, warriors!”, and he is “a suede stump.”

IV. Lesson summary.

Wars, even small ones, are always great for a woman. A woman rejects death, called to love and continue life.

Who is Vasiliev's story addressed to? (The story is addressed to contemporaries. The tourist guy, having learned about the feat, is ashamed of his ignorance. This can be seen from his letter. The ending of the story is very modest)

Thus, men had a hard time during the war, what can we say about women. And they die not because the author decided their fate this way, but simply: war is not a woman’s business.

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“War is not a woman’s business.” (extracurricular reading based on the story by B.L. Vasilyev “And the dawns here are quiet”)”

Subject. "War is not a woman's business." (extracurricular reading based on the story by B.L. Vasilyev “And the dawns here are quiet”)

Target: introduce the biography and work of B.L. Vasilyeva;

expand and deepen students’ understanding of the essence of feat, about

the forms of its manifestation, about man’s paths to achievement;

consolidate the skill of analyzing the image of a character (character);

be able to choose and select materials for analysis together with students

image systems;

instilling in students a sense of patriotism, understanding at what cost

the happiness of victory has been won.

Equipment: record player, record with the song “For that guy”;

portrait of Vasiliev, book exhibition.

Epigraph for the lesson

Girlfriends, our sisters, nurses,

That they went to death and met her,

In different parts or on a foreign side...

A. Tvardovsky, 1965.

Lesson progress

The poem “Requiem” by R. Rozhdestvensky is played to the music “For that guy”

Did you bequeath to us to die,

Life promised, love promised,

Are children born for death?

Did you really want us to die?

She said quietly: “Get up to help...”

Nobody asked you for fame,

Everyone simply had a choice:

Me or the Motherland.

The best and most expensive -

Your grief is our grief,

Your truth is our truth,

Your glory is our glory,

I. Teacher's word.

What is war? (war is grief, tears, death, bloodshed, fires, devastation, hunger)

About the harsh V.O. war of 1941-45 We, the new generation, judge only by the stories of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, by films and books, and there are many of them. (“They fought for the Motherland” by M. Sholokhov, directed by Bondarchuk; “20 days without war” by K. Simonov - directed by A. German; “The Fate of a Man”, “Hot Snow”, “17 Moments of Spring”, etc. .)

It has already happened that our memory of the war and all our ideas about the war are masculine. This is understandable, because it was mostly men who fought. But over the years, we understand more and more the immortal feat of a woman in war, her greatest sacrifice, sacrificed on the altar of Victory.

And on the eve of the 70th anniversary of his Victory Day, I want to bow deeply to the women who supported the rear on their shoulders, saved the children and defended the country together with the men.

We dedicate today's lesson to such women who, along with men, brought victory closer.

(reading the epigraph of the lesson)

Before us will appear destinies, lives, twisted by war, loss of loved ones, loss of health, female loneliness, unbearable memories of the war years.

You have read the wonderful story by B.L. Vasiliev “And the dawns here are quiet.” Let's talk about the originality of this work.

II. Biography of B.L. Vasiliev. Student performance.

Boris Lvovich Vasiliev was born in 1924 in Smolensk into a military family. In the summer of 1941, two weeks after the start of the war, he volunteered for the front straight from school. In 1943, having recovered from a serious wound, Vasiliev entered the Academy of Armored Forces and received the specialty of a military engineer.

However, the desire for creativity and the desire to talk about what he saw and experienced during the war forced him to change his profession.

He began publishing in 1954, but the writer became widely known in 1970, sometimes in railways. “Youth” his story “And the dawns here are quiet..” was published following this story by B.L. Vasiliev creates a number of works dedicated to peaceful life. Of these, the story “Don’t Shoot the White Swans” (1973), which asserts the invincibility of goodness and the need for compassion and love for all life on earth, enjoys the greatest success among readers. On the topic of V.O. war returned in the novel “Not on the Lists” (1974). One of latest works novel about a pre-war school.

So, the story of B.L. Vasiliev “And the dawns here are quiet.” To understand the work and analyze it, the questions written on the board will help us.

Sh. Analysis of the work “And the dawns here are quiet.”

1) How do you understand the title of the story? (Throughout the story, it is emphasized that there was silence in the forest. And the dawns here are quiet. In the story there is no fierce struggle, bombing, but only skirmishes. Vasiliev wanted to make it clear that so that the dawns were always quiet, the beauty of nature does not bother anyone, everything strength is given to the struggle.)

(episode dramatization)

2) What is the unique character of each of the five female anti-aircraft gunners? (Zhenya Komelkova is a bright beauty, admired by both men and women, friends and even doctors. The originality of Rita Osyanina is in a pronounced sense of duty. Sonya Gurvich is characterized by poetry combined with fragility and insecurity, which evoke a desire to protect and protect. The main thing is For Liza Brichkina, this is closeness to nature, open cordiality. What’s special about the Chetvertak is the ability to transform reality, the indefatigability of imagination)

Each of the girls has their own harsh account of the Nazis. Rita Osyanina’s husband died on the second day of the war. Zhenya Komelkova’s mother, sister, brother were killed with a machine gun.” Sonya Gurvich has a friendly and large family in occupied Minsk. Liza Brichkina has a failed “premonition of dazzling happiness.”

Galya Chetvertak has unfulfilled fantasies.

From the unique characters of the five anti-aircraft gunner girls in the story, a capacious collective image of a Soviet woman, a patriotic woman, a defender of her Motherland, imperceptibly grows. Each of the five heroines becomes the bearer of one of the essential qualities of this collective image.

What do all female anti-aircraft gunners have in common? What is it? (The story poetizes femininity and the charm of young heroines.

The everyday life of an anti-aircraft battery, the life of a girls' unit, how the girls establish relationships with each other, sometimes break subordination, and unanimously try to sabotage the orders of the “cracker Vaskov” are depicted with humor. With bitterness, Vasiliev emphasizes how the harsh reality of war comes into irreconcilable contradictions with the love of life, tenderness, and kindness inherent in a woman. (the contradiction is when, for example, Rita Osyanina kills her first German. The shock of the murder “kept him shaking all night.”

Zhenya Komelkova experiences the same qualities in hand-to-hand combat, when for the first time she has to kill a doctor with a butt “on a living head,” although both Rita and Zhenya have their own account with the fascists.

All heroines are united by their readiness to engage in battle with their enemies without hesitation. Five girls with three-line rifles stood up against an entire sabotage group of specially trained killers, trained and armed to the teeth. They do everything to stop the enemy, they do not spare their lives.)

5) Can the death of each of the girls be called “heroic”? (Each of us was shocked by the death of all the girls, our hearts ached for each one. (analysis of the scene of the death of Zh. Komelkova, Rita Osyanina, L. Brichkina). Vaskov says goodbye to the girls, summing up the sad results, indissolubly unites all five with his grief, the desire to take revenge, to perpetuate memory of them.

The feat of each of the heroines becomes significant because they are women, filled with love for people, destined by nature to give and continue life on Earth, tender, fragile, enter into a merciless battle with cruel invaders and die defending at the cost of their lives the freedom and future of their Motherland.

6) What is the idea of ​​heroism and feat in V.O. is the war given in the story? (Thoughts by the author and the main character about the incompatibility of a woman with war, in which the very nature of hatred of murder is inherent, about the loss that the life and death of a woman, a future mother, brings, which could give rise to a whole thread “in the endless yarn of humanity.”)

7) How do the character of Sergeant Major Vaskov and the author’s attitude towards him change throughout the story?

Introducing Vaskov, B. Vasiliev resorts to direct characterization, direct speech, and an excursion into the hero’s past. The foreman’s past explains a lot about him today. First of all, considering it “a big hindrance that he is a person without education,” although it is not his fault. At the end of the fourth (grade) his father's bear broke him. And from the age of 14 he became the breadwinner, water provider and earner in the family. For a long time, Vaskov felt older than he was. In the army, he was a sergeant major not only by rank, but also by seniority essence. The author sees seniority as a symbol. A symbol of relying on people like Vaskov - conscientious workers, and in the military too.

Vaskov takes care of the fighters, ensures compliance with the regulations, and takes care of order.

The relationship between Vaskov and the anti-aircraft gunners is difficult at first due to the fact that the girls constantly violate the regulations. At this stage, girls for him are “eh, warriors!”, and he is “a suede stump.”

He says about the beauty of Zh. Komelkova: “The incredible power of the eyes is like 152 mm. howitzer gun")

The mortal battle with saboteurs became the test in which Vaskov’s character is revealed.

Recognizing the girl fighters, he is imbued with warm sympathy for the grief of each of them. having become close to the girls through their common misfortune, loss, and desire to win, he says: “What kind of elder am I to you, sisters? I'm kind of like a brother now." This is how the soul of the stern Vaskov is dealt with in battle. The girls respect him. Vaskov is a performer, but in the situation in which he found himself, he demanded from him the ability to independently decide and make decisions. (read page 9.)

Everyone on his own sector of the front must do everything possible and impossible to win, so that the dawns are quiet.

Zh. Komelkova, R. Osyanina, L. Brichkina, G. Quarter, Sonya Gurvich, each could live, raise children, bring joy to people..... But there was a war. None of them had time to fulfill their dreams, live their own lives.

IV. Lesson summary.

"What would we be like? beautiful couple,

My dear, if there had been no war.”

Wars, even small ones, are always great for a woman. A woman rejects death, called to love and continue life.

(The student reads a poem of her own composition)

Who is Vasiliev's story addressed to? (The story is addressed to contemporaries. The tourist guy, having learned about the feat, is ashamed of his ignorance. This can be seen from his letter. The ending of the story is very modest)

Thus, men had a hard time during the war, what can we say about women. And they die not because the author decided their fate this way, but simply: war is not a woman’s business.

Every year, people's attitudes towards the events of the war change; many of us began to forget about the exploits that our grandparents performed for the sake of the future of their children. Thanks to the authors of that time, we can still study works and delve into the chronicle of history. Boris Vasiliev's work "And the dawns here are quiet..." was dedicated to people who went through a brutal war, who unfortunately did not return home, as well as to their friends and comrades. This book can be called a memory, because the events described in it are close to everyone who keeps the memory of the Great Patriotic War.

The work described the fates of five female anti-aircraft gunners, as well as their commander, the actions took place during the Great Patriotic War. Reading this story, I was completely imbued with sympathy for the main characters, because they had not even had time to feel the taste of life. The main characters are Sonya Gurvich, Rita Osyanina, Zhenya Komelkova, Galya Chetvertak, Lisa Brichkina, young girls who have just begun to live, they are bright, cheerful and real. But each of them had the role of dying in the fight for the defense of their Motherland, for love for it and the future. They fought for freedom, but they themselves were cruelly punished by fate, because the war destroyed their plans for life, without giving even a drop of something bright. This terrible event divided their lives into two periods, and they simply had no other choice but to take weapons into their tender hands.

Fedot Vaskov was another main character; the author very soulfully described the bitterness and pain that Fedot experienced for each of the girls. He was the embodiment of a real soldier, brave and courageous, he understood that a girl should be at home, next to her children and home, and not fight. You can see how madly he wants to take revenge on the Nazis for what they did to young girls.

Boris Vasiliev used in his work what he saw and felt himself, so the story contains clear descriptions of the events of the war. Thanks to this, the reader manages to immerse himself in the atmosphere of those very terrible forties. I felt the horror of that time, and realized that the war did not choose who to kill, it was children and adults, old and young, someone’s husband was killed, someone’s son or brother.

Despite all the pain of what is happening, in the end the author makes it clear that no matter what happens, good will still triumph over evil. These five girls who gave their lives for their Motherland will forever remain in our hearts and will be heroes of the Great War.

Topics covered by the work And the Dawns Here Are Quiet

1) Heroism and dedication

It would seem that just yesterday these women were schoolgirls rushing to class, but today they are young and brave fighters who fight in the same column with men. But they go into battle not because of coercion from the state or loved ones, the girls go there out of love for their homeland. As history shows us to this day, these girls made a huge contribution to the country's victory.

2) Woman at war

But the most main meaning of Vasiliev's entire work, it is terrifying world war, where women fight on equal terms with men. They do not support the soldiers from behind, do not treat or feed them, but hold a gun in their hands and go on the attack. Each of the women has her own family, her own dreams and goals for life, but for many of them, the future will end on the battlefield. As he says main character, the worst thing in war is not that men die, but that women die, and then the whole country dies.

3) Feat of a layman

None of these women who went on the warpath took regular year-long courses. They have not served long in the army and do not know how to wield weapons thoroughly. They are all non-professional fighters, but ordinary soviet women who could become wives and mothers, but despite this they became real fighters. It doesn't even matter how incompetent they are, they fight on par and make a huge contribution to the stories.

4) Courage and honor

Despite the fact that every woman brought a huge treasure to victory during the war, there are those who stood out the most. For example, you can remember the heroine from the book, under the name Zhenya Komelkova, who, having forgotten about her future, dreams and goals, the value of her life, saved her comrades by luring the fascists to herself. It would seem that not every man would dare to do such an act, but this young girl, despite everything, took a risk and was able to help her colleagues. Even after the woman was seriously injured, she did not regret this act and only wanted victory for her homeland.

5) Respect for the Motherland

One of the Voskov heroes, after all the military actions, blamed and insulted himself for a very long time for not being able to protect and save the weaker sex, who gave their lives on the battlefield. The man was afraid that because of the death of the soldiers, their fathers, husbands, and most importantly, children would rebel and begin blaming Voski for not being able to protect their women. The soldier did not believe that some White Sea Canal was worth so many departed souls. But at one point, one of the women, Rita, said that the man should stop self-flagellation, humiliation and constantly repent of this, since war is not a place for sadness and regret. All these women did not fight for ordinary roads or empty buildings, they fought for their homeland and for the freedom of an entire nation. This is exactly how the author conveys the courage of people and their love for their homeland.

11th grade, Unified State Exam

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About B. Vasiliev’s story “The Dawns Here Are Quiet”

Materials for working on the story.

B. Vasiliev - famous Russian writer, the most famous were his works “Not on the lists”, “And the dawns here are quiet”, “Don’t shoot white swans”, “Tomorrow there was a war”, B. Vasiliev is also the author of historical novels.

B. Vasiliev was born into a military family in 1924. In 1941, he volunteered for the front. That is why his works on military theme sound so piercingly poignant, touching our souls every time we turn to them.

The story “The Dawns Here Are Quiet” brought fame and popularity to B. Vasiliev as a writer; in 1969 he was even awarded a State Prize for this story. The innovation of this work was in the subject matter: B. Vasiliev raised the topic “woman in war.”

B. Vasiliev’s works about the Great Patriotic War have entertaining plots, the development of which the reader follows with great interest. For example, reading the story “The Dawns Here Are Quiet,” we all hope that the girls and Sergeant Major Vaskov will cope with an enemy outnumbered, defeat him and remain alive. Following the plot of the story “Not on the Lists,” we worry about the main character, who, losing friends and strength, being left alone, continues to fight the enemy, and we, together with him, really want him to destroy as many fascists as possible and remain live.

However, not only the fascination of the plot is the advantage of B. Vasiliev’s works. The main thing for the writer has always been the desire to conduct a conversation on moral topics: about cowardice and betrayal, about self-sacrifice and heroism, about decency and nobility.

The story “The Dawns Here Are Quiet” attracts with its unusual plot: in a cruel, inhumane war, where it is difficult for a man to cope with emotions and endure physical hardships, girls who voluntarily went to the front become the same soldiers of war. They are 18-19-20 years old. They have different education: some of them studied at universities, some have only primary education. They have different social status: someone from an intellectual family, someone from a remote village. They have different life experience: some have already been married and lost their husbands in the war, while others only lived with dreams of love. Their commander, watching over them, Sergeant Major Vaskov, is tactful and sensitive, feels sorry for his soldiers, and understands how difficult army science is for them. He feels infinitely sorry for these girls, who carried out an impossible combat mission with him and died in a collision with an enemy superior in strength and power. These girls died at the dawn of their years, in the prime of their beauty and youth.

The central characters of the story “The Dawns Here Are Quiet” are five female anti-aircraft gunners and the foreman, 32-year-old Fedot Evgrafovich Vaskov. Fedot Vaskov is a village man with four years of education. However, he graduated from the regimental school and has been at military service, rose to the rank of sergeant major. Even before the Great Patriotic War, he participated in military campaigns. He was unlucky with his wife: he was caught frivolous, partying and drinking. Fedot Evgrafovich's son was raised by his mother, but one day she did not save him: the boy died. Fedot Evgrafovich is wounded by life and fate. But he did not become hardened, did not become indifferent, his soul ached for everything. At first glance, he is a dense idiot who knows nothing except the provisions of the Charter.

Five anti-aircraft gunner girls are like five types of women.

Rita Osyanina. The wife of a career officer, married out of great conscious love, a real officer's wife. She, unlike ex-wife Sergeant Major Vaskov, devoted her entire life to her husband and went to the front to continue his work as a defender of the Fatherland. Rita for sure beautiful girl, but for her the main thing in life is duty, whatever it may be. Rita is a man of duty.

Zhenya Komelkova. A girl of divine beauty. Such girls are created to be admired. Tall, long-legged, red-haired, white-skinned. Zhenya also experienced a personal tragedy - before her eyes, the Nazis shot her entire family. But Zhenya does not show her emotional wound to anyone. Zhenya is a girl who is the decoration of life, but she has become a fighter, an avenger.

Sonya Gurvich. A girl from a Jewish family that valued education. Sonya also dreamed of getting a university education. Sonya's life is theater, library, poetry. Sonya is a spiritual girl, but the war also forced her to become a fighter.

Lisa Brichkina. The girl from a remote village may be the most useful fighter of all five, because it’s not for nothing that Vaskov gives her the most difficult task. Living in the forest with her huntsman father, Lisa learned many of the wisdoms of life outside civilization. Lisa is an earthly, folk girl.

Galya Chetvertak. Friend of Zhenya and Rita. Nature has not endowed her with any hint of feminine beauty, she didn’t give her any luck either. Galya is a girl from whom fate, or God, or nature took away her beauty, intelligence, spirituality, strength - in general, almost everything. Galya is a sparrow girl.

The action takes place in May 1942. We can say that this is the first year of the Great Patriotic War. The enemy is still strong and in some ways superior to the Red Army, in which even young girls become fighters, replacing dead fathers and husbands. Somewhere far away along the entire front there are fierce battles, but here, in a remote forest region, it is not the front line of defense, but the enemy is still felt, and the war here has also made its presence known, for example, by enemy air raids. The place where the female anti-aircraft gunners serve is not so dangerous, but an emergency suddenly arises.


Sergeant Major Vaskov is the commander of a small anti-aircraft point located in the rear, whose task is to destroy enemy aircraft carrying out raids on our land. The place in which he serves as a commander is not the front line, but Vaskov understands perfectly well that his task is also important, and he treats the assigned task with honor. He worries that in this relatively calm place the soldiers are losing their fighting form, so to speak, and are drinking themselves to death from idleness. He gets reprimanded for bad educational work, but still writes reports to his superiors and asks them to send non-drinking fighters. He didn’t even think that, fulfilling his request to send non-drinkers, they would send him a whole squad of girls. It was difficult for him with his new fighters, but he tried to find with them common language, although he, shy in terms of the female sex, accustomed not to sharpening his lasses, but to proving his worth by deeds, has a very difficult time with sharp-tongued women. Vaskov does not enjoy authority among them; rather, he serves only as an object of ridicule. The girls didn't see much in him extraordinary personality, a real hero.

He is the epitome of a hero from folk tales. He is one of those soldiers who cook porridge from an ax, and “shave with an awl and warm themselves with smoke.” None of the girls, perhaps except Liza Brichkina, in relatively peaceful circumstances understood the essence of his heroic nature. And his heroism, of course, did not lie in the ability to loudly shout “Follow me!” and throw yourself at the embrasure, closing your eyes. He is one of those “essential”, perhaps rare people now, who you can rely on in any situation. He is a real man who will not be intimidated by the enemy, no matter how many he appears in front of him. Vaskov thinks first and then acts. He is a humanistic person, because his soul cares for his fighters and does not want them to die in vain. He doesn't need victory at any cost, but he doesn't feel sorry for himself. He is a real living man, because he is not an ascetic. He shares a bed with the owner of the apartment simply out of necessity, simply because the circumstances have developed this way, and he is used to living in harmony with the world around him, and he is not disgusted by it.

Rita Osyanina is a man of duty. A true Komsomol member because she loves her Motherland. And she marries a border guard, because the border guard guards the Motherland. Probably Rita in to a greater extent I married an idea, albeit for love. Rita is the ideal that was brought up by the Party and the Komsomol. But Rita is not a walking idea. This is truly an ideal, because she is also a real woman: a mother and a wife. And also a good friend. Rita is also one of those people you can always rely on.

Zhenya Komelkova is rather the opposite of Rita in terms of feminine essence. If Rita is more of a social creature, then Zhenya is a purely personal one. People like Zhenya never do as everyone else does, as the majority do, much less as they should. People like Zhenya always break the laws. They feel that they have this right because they are special, they are Beauties. Any man will forgive any beauty any guilt. But behind the external fragility and crystalline beauty of a wife, there is a very strong nature. As you know, life is not easy for beauties. They encounter envy, they constantly have to prove that they are worth something in this life, life-struggle hardens them. Zhenya is a fighter in life. This allows Zhenya to fight to the last in the war. Zhenya died as a hero. Being a beauty, she did not demand privileges for herself.

Liza Brichkina is not a beauty, unlike Zhenya. But what brings Lisa closer to Zhenya is that she also lives with her heart and gut. She did not receive a school education due to her mother's illness (as Vaskov once did due to the death of her father), but she developed her soul by reflecting on what surrounded her. Lisa passionately dreamed of love and even crossed the laws of female behavior herself, but God did not allow her to make a mistake. And now at the outpost Lisa met her ideal in the gloomy, taciturn foreman Vaskov. Lisa rushed headlong to carry out Vaskov’s instructions. Despite the fact that it was very dangerous, Lisa did not think about it for a minute. She was ready to do anything for him and even, if necessary, sacrifice her life, if only he would say: “Well done, Brichkin’s fighter.”

Sonya Gurvich is a person of a completely different history and a different culture. Sonya is a person of Jewish culture. Its religion is a global culture. Sonya studied to be a translator from English language to be even closer to world achievements of spirituality or to bring them closer to their homeland. Sonya is characterized by restraint and asceticism, but both under her “armored” dresses and under the soldier’s tunic a tremulous and at the same time stoic heart beat.

Galka Chetvertak - weak person, staying close to strong girls, her friends. She had not yet had time to learn the same stamina as they had, but she probably really wanted it. If the peace had not been disturbed by the war, Galka could have become an actress, because all her life she tried on various roles, maybe she would have become a writer, because her imagination was limitless.

Ideological and thematic analysis.


The theme of the story is “a woman at war.” The choice of this topic is humanistic. It is very important to raise such a topic, to consider the nuances of a woman’s existence in war.


The idea of ​​the story is to show the unnaturalness of such a fact as a woman in war. A woman’s natural task is to give birth and raise children. And in war she must kill, going against her natural essence. In addition, the very phenomenon of war kills women, the continuers of life on earth. And therefore, it kills life on earth. It is also a well-known fact that it was after the war that smoking among women spread in our country, a phenomenon that disfigures women’s nature.


The story has external and internal conflict.

The external conflict is on the surface: this is the struggle of female anti-aircraft gunners under the command of Sergeant Major Vaskov with an enemy of superior strength. This is a tragic-sounding conflict, because inexperienced girls are faced with an obviously invincible enemy: the enemy is superior in quantity and quality. The enemy of girls is trained, physically strong, prepared men.

Internal conflict is a clash of moral forces. The evil, criminal will of a politician, guided by delusional immoral ideas, opposes life on earth. The struggle of these forces. And the victory of good over evil, but at the cost of incredible efforts and losses.

Analysis artistic features.

One of the artistic features that you can pay attention to is the use of words and expressions in a colloquial style. This feature is most clearly represented in Vaskov’s speech. His speech characterizes him as an uneducated, rural person. So he says: “theirs”, “if anything”, “rustle”, “girls”, “exactly”, etc. He formulates his thoughts in phrases similar to proverbs: “This war is like a hare’s smoke for a man, but for you... “,” “A chirp for a military man is a bayonet in the liver”... But this is completely from popular speech: “There is something nice to look at.” It was Vaskov with his in folk speech forms the outline of the story. He organizes dialogues. And they are always filled with jokes, his personal aphorisms, official business expressions from the charter, adapted to the situation. He consoles in sorrow, gives wise instructions, and directs the life and activities of the detachment in the right direction.

Here is an example of such a dialogue.

Oh, my girls, my girls! Did you eat at least a bite, did you sleep with half an eye?

I didn’t want to, Comrade Sergeant Major...

What kind of foreman am I to you now, sisters? I'm kind of like a brother now. That's what you call Fedot. Or Fedey, as my mother called him.

And Galka?

Our comrades died the death of the brave. Chetvertak is in a shootout, and Liza Brichkina drowns in a swamp. It was not in vain that they died: they won a day. Now it’s our turn to win the day. And there will be no help, and the Germans are coming here. So let’s remember our sisters, and then we’ll have to fight. Last. apparently.

Plot analysis.

Initial event.

The initial event is, of course, the beginning of the war. It was the outbreak of the war that changed the lives of the heroes, forced them to live in a new way, in new conditions, in new circumstances. For some heroes, the war destroyed everything that was valuable in their lives. The heroes have to defend their right to live on their land with weapons in their hands. The heroes are filled with hatred for the enemy, but they understand that the enemy is cunning, insidious, strong, and you can’t cope with him just like that, with one desire, you will have to sacrifice something. However, they all hope that happiness will come to them. For example, Rita Osyanina is already happy that, having transferred to travel, she has the opportunity to see her son two or three times a week. And other girls, although they have not forgotten about the pain that the enemy caused them, are still not in a depressed mood, and even in these conditions, while performing a combat mission, they find the opportunity to enjoy life.

Main event.

The plot of events is that Rita, returning to her unit, saw saboteurs. This meant that the enemy had already penetrated the rear of the army and was beginning to create a threat from within. This enemy must be destroyed. Sergeant Major Vaskov, having learned from Rita that there are only two saboteurs, takes on this task, calculating that he and his female assistants will be able to cope with such an enemy on their own. He creates a group of five girls, leads the group, and they set out to complete the task. The fulfillment of this task becomes the central event, during which the characters’ characters are revealed and their essence is revealed.

Central event.

The central event is the fight between the girls and Vaskov against the fascist saboteurs. This encounter takes place in the forest near Howl Lake. At the very beginning of this event, the girls and Vaskov learn that they were mistaken: there are not two saboteurs, as they assumed, but sixteen people. They do not leave the chosen position, hoping that they will be able to deceive the enemy. Of course, this was not a naive hope, they understood that the forces were unequal, but duty would not allow them to escape, saving their lives. Vaskov tried to foresee possible dangers, but the impulsiveness and emotionality of the girls could not be controlled or planned.

Lisa Brichkina dies first. She did not listen to Vaskov’s warnings about caution and did not take a bag, without which she could not walk through the swamp. She wanted so much to complete the foreman’s order as quickly as possible that she neglected her safety. Then Sonya Gurvich dies, having recklessly rushed after Vaskov’s pouch, because out of the kindness of her heart she wanted to do something nice for the commander. Next was Galya quarter. She ran out of cover in a panic and came under machine-gun fire.

These girls died precisely as women, that is, because they committed impulsive, thoughtless actions, and in war this is not possible. However, woman is different from woman. Rita Osyanina and Zhenya Komelkova showed an example of true courage and heroism, fighting in this fierce struggle with an enemy four times their size. The enemy retreated, but the girls died. They died like heroines. They did not yield to the enemy, but lost to him, giving their lives in this fight.

Final event.

After the battle, which was fought by Vaskov, Zhenya and Rita, only six Germans remained alive. They retreated to their shelter. Vaskov, having lost Zhenya and Rita in battle, vowed to avenge the girls. Wounded himself, barely able to stand on his feet from fatigue and pain, he kills a sentry and takes the sleeping Germans by surprise. The only weapons he had were a grenade without a fuse and a revolver with the last cartridge. But will, determination, courage, surprise and pressure, as well as the fact that the Germans did not believe that he attacked them alone, helped him not only shoot them, taking possession of a machine gun, but he took them prisoner and brought them to the location of the Soviet troops .

Main event.

Post-war time. In the places where the events of the play took place, vacationers (born after the war) fish and enjoy the silence and beauty of these places. They see that an old man without an arm and a military man, whose name is Albert Fedotich, arrive there. These men came to erect a monument in those places. We understand that this old man is the same foreman Vaskov, and the military man is his adopted son Albert Osyanin. The beauty of these places is especially visible in final scene, and it is clear to us that the girls died so that the dawns in these places and throughout Russia would always be quiet.

Super task.

The author's main task is to show that Good defeats Evil. Even having died, Good still triumphs over Evil. The victory of Evil, if it happens, is only temporary. This is the law of Divine justice. But to win, Good almost always has to die. This is what happened in the story of Jesus Christ. And yet, despite death, Good dies for the continuation of life. And it continues. And that means there is no death for him. So, for us too, if we do good.